Guide to building near water corporation assets
These guidelines apply to all metropolitan Melbourne water corporation regions.
Greater Western Water, Yarra Valley Water and South East Water have recently conducted a review and updated the Guidelines for Proposed Works Over / Adjacent to Water Corporation Assets, also commonly known as the Build Over Guidelines.
They have been created to assist property owners, builders, designers, plumbers and water corporation officers. The purpose of these guidelines is to make sure that all works proposed near water authority assets are constructed in a way that ensures:
water corporation assets are protected from damage
proposed works are structurally sound, and
the water corporation can safely access their assets to do maintenance and upgrades
Seek approval when planning works!
It’s a legal requirement under the Water Act 1989 that the relevant water corporation consents to any works over an easement or within 1 metre of a water corporation’s asset before works can start. Regulation 130 Victorian Building Regulations 2018 also provides further guidance on this matter.
What’s changed?
Some of the key changes to the updated Build Over Guidelines include:
all water corporation assets are now mentioned, rather than just those 225 mm or less in diameter.
the font and formatting have been adjusted to improve accessibility and readability for all people.
minimum clearances from maintenance holes, chambers and shafts are now from the centreline of the asset, rather than the edge of the maintenance structure; this makes it easier to calculate when looking at our asset information.
For Swimming Pools and Spas
5000-litre maximum volume for above ground swimming pools over our assets; and pool equipment is not permitted over our assets
Additional guidance for swimming pools and spas can be found in under Item 6.8 – Pages 56 to 60 of the Guidelines.
all buildings with basements require a 1 metre clearance to our assets; this was previously 600 mm or 1 metre depending on whether the building was residential or non-residential.
ground anchors are only to be installed below our assets.
a dependent persons’ unit will no longer be permitted over water corporation assets.
Members are urged to familiarise themselves with these updated guidelines before lodging an application with the relevant water corporation.
Greater Western Water: Build Over Guidelines and FAQs
South East Water: Build Over Guidelines and FAQs
Yarra Valley Water: Build Over Guidelines and FAQs