QLD Building License Compliance Audits
Officers from Queensland’s building regulator will be out in force in October targeting active building sites around the State to help stamp out unlicensed, illegal and defective work.
Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) officers will be cracking down on unlicensed workers to ensure the construction industry is meeting its obligations around safety and building standards.
Where appropriate, the QBCC officers will provide advice to contractors and home owners if they have questions or concerns about building work.
Construction Compliance Blitz
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ) has launched a state-wide compliance blitz targeting safe work practices within the construction industry.
The aim of this campaign is to reduce fatalities and serious incidents in the construction industry, and WHSQ have advised that they will not hesitate to take swift and firm action to protect workers.
Members should undertake a review of their safety procedure to ensure they remain compliant.
Queensland Business Energy Saving Transformation Rebates
The Queensland Business Energy Saving and Transformation (QBEST) Rebates scheme provides rebates to eligible small and medium-sized Queensland businesses to install energy-efficient equipment.
The energy-efficient equipment you purchase and install must reduce the energy consumption and lower energy bills of your business, as well as contribute to the Queensland Government's carbon reduction targets.
Rebates of up to $12,500 are available for eligible businesses which purchase (and install if required) eligible energy-efficient equipment. Eligible businesses must spend a minimum of $8,000 (GST exclusive) on the purchase and installation of the equipment.